Yes, we understand. You're busy, an important person, and you've no time for fools. Nonetheless, before entering, please take this quiz.
You’ll finish in less than five minutes. Your score will determine whether this site might be of interest.
Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions. Important: keep track of your answers.
1. Do you believe it's more important to be worthy of happiness than to actually be happy?
2. Do you pray?
3. Has religion had a positive effect on mankind?
4. Is science bringing salvation?
5. Do you ever feel that there are times when you're invisible to others?
6. Is science bringing humankind closer to self-destruction?
7. Is a good academic education more important than humility?
8. Do you believe that we live in a time of unprecedented turmoil?
9. If your answer to question 8 is “yes,” do you think you can control your destiny through the domination of others?
10. Are heaven, hell, reincarnation, and enlightenment real?
11. If the founders of the world’s religions came back, would they recognize their work?
12. Has technology enabled a small percentage of the world’s population to appropriate a larger percentage of the world’s resources?
13. Is it more important to justify yourself during an argument (answer “yes”), or to seek the truth (answer “no”)?
14. Do you believe that overpopulation is a more serious problem (answer “yes”) than the fact that 16 percent of human beings use more than 80 percent of Earth's resources (answer “no”)?
15. Do you believe you can perceive the “ultimate reality” (Feel free to define “ultimate reality” as you like; common examples include achieving satori, living an authentic life, escaping the cycle of rebirths, and/or going to heaven) without first making yourself spiritual, loving, and pure at heart? In other words, what comes first: being (answer “yes”) or knowledge (answer “no”)?
YOUR SURVEY RESULTS: If you answered “yes” eight times and “no” seven times (assuming you answered “yes” and “no” to the right questions), you are at a rung[a] of the ladder, which puts you far above the rung occupied by the creators of this website. For that reason, consider not wasting any time here.
If you answered “no” more than ten times, exit immediately, as you may be offended by the content.
To all others: especially those who struggled with the questions, feel free to explore.
[a] The term “rung” is used as in Martin Buber’s “The Way of a Man According to the Teachings of Hasidism,” Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., London 1950.